Sunday, March 15, 2009

J'adore la France.

This weekend was so much fun and very relaxing! Katie ended up coming and I picked her up at the train station Friday afternoon! It was great to see my roomie again (twice in one week!) but the weekend went by sooo fast! We explored the city Friday, did a little shopping and came home for a lovely dinner from Vero! She was going out with her friends that night; she looked adorable and had on a chic leather jacket. She called this her ‘rock and roll look’. She made us lasagna (deliciousss) and we ate dinner with Arthur. I had to do a little translating, but it was fun! Vero was actually trying to speak some English with Katie as well, so it was fun to hear her not speaking French for once. That night, we went out to a local bar and met some fun Frenchies who were in town for the Fallout Boy concert! Unfortunately we could not get tickets (they were sold out!) but we had fun chatting it away in French, Spanish, and English with our new friends. They wanted to hang out with me and Katie the next day before the concert, so we met up with them in the afternoon, did a little shopping and grabbed a drink. It was actually really enjoyable talking to them, since I was able to practice my French! One of the boys was not very good at English, so French was our only choice! He told me he thought my French was really good and I was able to hold a normal convo with him… this reassured me that my French is somehow improving? Exciting!

Katie definitely got the true French experience: making French friends, eating at our fave restaurant “le wok”, tasting Veros cooking, making delicious crepes in the morning!, eating more crepes for a snack on the street, drank some French wine AND of course, French cheese! She did some serious shopping too, and we both were sporting some new outfits/accessories the next day! It was so much fun to have a visitor and let them in on my daily life. We lucked out on the weather too…. It was absolutely gorgeous! We didn’t have time today to go to the beach, but we did eat lunch at a cute outdoor cafĂ© in the center. I brought her to her train and we said our goodbyes. I officially won’t see her until the end of May, BUT am soo happy we met up twice IN EUROPE. Quite amazing if you ask me.

This Tuesday we are taking a day trip after our class to Carcassonne! We get out early, so we thought this was a perfect opportunity to go! Carcassonne is a medieval walled in city, and I have heard sooo much about it, I can’t wait to see it! Lexi, Tyra, and I are going, along with Tyra’s two friends who are here from the states! We are get home around 6 that night, so it should be the perfect amount of time to explore!

This weekend me and a few girls are off to PARIS! I am sooooo excited and can’t even wait! We leave bright and early at 7 am and return late Sunday! I want to see SO MANY things, so hopefully we can get a lot accomplished! CANT WAIT!


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